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Writer's pictureLakin Fain

Article Reading blog post

Updated: May 2, 2023

"Comparing ChatGPT and midjourney to the way photoshop became indispensable to photographers". This perspective made me realize how much we resist change in the present but looking back can see its value. My mind jumped forward ten years and looked back at AI as a tool for digital art now. Its a tool for creativity and effeciency. I understand the argument being made in this article- that Ai can be a tool for artists. However, I still believe that it is a lazy tool. Digital art should always still be an extension of the artists eye, hand, and mind no matter what technological aid being used. However, generating an image with AI uses the effort, mind, and eye of the computer. Its random and disconnected form the artist. Yes, the artist can still filter the images produced and pick which are visually pleasing and which arent. However, I think that art in society has grown to not even have that validitiy ot an "artist or designers eye" anymore. Weve lost all value of composition, design decision making, color theory, and visual appeal. Any image or piece of art seems to fly these days- as long as the artist can argue its validity. I think about how in history- being an artist was top tier social status because they were masters of their art- in a technical sense. Now anyone can make art and call it art. I think its good that it is so accessible. But I do wish that there was more validity attached to it so we can really appreciate a piece of art with substance. A lot of the art I'm exposed to these days in digital art is randomized and messy and doesnt have any conceptual thought or effort put into it. That makes it lose its value and im not inspired by it at all really. I think that using ai and randomization tools like this in digital art education is the reason this art has become so irelevant to me.

Article 2: Museum of Contemporary Digital art catalog

I spent some time glancing at the Museum of Contemporary Digital art catalog as a primary example of what digital art is present in our contemporary world. I was most inspired by the "Infinity" piece by Jacopo de ciera. I am very inspired after reading the artisti statement- I understand the proejct, however when I first viewed the video I did not know what to think. I think this is common for a lot of digital art projects. There is so much creative freedom to express an idea that symbolism and design communication almost becomes 3 Deminsional- instead of just epicting visually what is being communicated. There is now the ability to activate multiple senses- this adds depth to the project that often complicates it. I really enjoy the creative freedom and room for design development within digital art tools. I think creating something with sound, video, movement, or change is very different from a stagnant painting, drawing, or sculpture. I feel that conceptual thinkning is more used in digital art than technical skill. I also think the mystery of how it ws made is an intriguing part of digital art- you can look at an image or video generated and have no idea the process that took place or the contribution that the actual human artist had. I think that this aspect of digital art is a little bit less intruging for me. I like to relat to art and I think that seeing where the artists hand grazed the piece makes it much more relatable. Digital art feels more removed form the human because there isnt that transparency of how it was made- the viewer can emphathize with the artist and envision their process.

Article 3: The History of Digital Art

Learning about the history of digital art and the changes it made in the art world we experience today made me really grateful for the technologies that have developed such an extensive art practice. It is most intersting to me that the first digital artists were mathematcians/ computer scientist because that is so different from how we percieve digital artists today. They were programmers that would hack computers to produce things of visual interest. I wonder if they even called it art back in those early stages. Who decided that the act of prgramming could be art when it was so different form what was previsouly accepted as art. I think the central core value that is present in all forms of art is human creation- altering/ worling with whats available to make something. Digital media has made art way more accessible to the public for both viewing and creation. It destigmatized art from the masterful oil painting days- to the realization that art can be much more simple. Digital art feels like a whole other world of art that is hard to judge/ understand if not a part of.

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